Thoughts 3

We go on thinking to improve self but all self-improvement is a way to hell as all efforts to make something, somebody out of something as an ideal, are going to create more and more madness. Ideals are the base of all madness and the whole humanity is neurotic because of too many ideals. We need to look at animals, they are not neurotic because they don’t have any ideals so as trees are not neurotic because they don’t have any ideals and are not trying to become somebody else. They are simply enjoying whatsoever they are. 

So we need to see the point – that we are we and the whole, or God, wants us to be ourselves . That’s why we are created by creator as we are otherwise he would have created us into a better model. The creator wants us to be here at this moment as we are and he knows better. He is the whole and we are the part so he knows better than us. All we need is accept ourselves as we are and if we do that we have learned the greatest secret of life, and then everything comes on its own. We just need to be ourselves . There is no need to pull ourselves up. There is no need to be a different height other than we already are. We don’t need to have another face and be simply as we are, and in deep acceptance of it mystics say flowering will happen and we will go on becoming more and more ourselves, the true self. 

This is letting go, it is not an effort that we can do. It is an understanding that you are you, I am I, they are they. 


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