Love needs to be shared… 

​Real love has no words to express itself. Real love is a presence and we can feel it when it is there as it will surround us like a wind, it will rain over us like rainfall. Pure love has no conditions, no ifs, no buts. Love first has to happen in the deepest core of our being. It is the quality of being alone, happily alone, joyously alone. It is the quality of being a no-mind, of being silent. Contentless consciousness is that only space or the context in which love arises in us. When love arises in the silent heart, it has to be shared, it has to be given as we become helpless….

Day 14 of April Yoga growth month 

Today was the crow pose on finger tips, did it for first time and am grateful to Source for blessing me with love and strength. 

This asana on bolsters is good for the abs and other remote muscles. 

Learning each day with every breath, patience is the key to unlock doors but we need a bit of determination and will do that we take the step forward. 

All are unique and incomparable 

To satisfy the ego of us we are told all human beings are equal but walking The path it came to knowing it is simply a myth. There are not even two human beings who are equal – in any way, in any dimension. It doesn’t mean that they are unequal but it means we all are unique and incomparable, so the question of equality or inequality cannot even arise. You are you and I am I…. Very simple. 

Meditation makes us create our destiny 

When we are in meditation we are throwing ourselves into the cosmos so that we are purified. All the negative energy that we have is actually now been thrown out and is getting purified in the cosmos. The cosmos is so vast and so great an ocean that we cannot make it dirty. In meditation we are not related with persons. In meditation we are related directly to the cosmos. So, mediation helps us become who we are and also the way how we can get over our Karma of past life’s and past and this way we start writing a new script of ourselves and create a destiny of how we want life to be.

The sixth meditation known and knowing 

The who am I, mediation. The mind will keep giving answers but we need to keep rejecting all —NETI NETI – we have to go on saying, “Neither this nor that.” Once we have denied all the possible answers that the mind can supply and devise, when the question remains absolutely unanswerable, and a miracle will happens because suddenly the question will also disappears. And as the question disappear we will know but the knower will not be there as it will be experience of Existence as we are no more…… Body remains but the mind, the creator of ego is no more.